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Fundraising ideas
  • It’s time to get fit #ForFreedom!

    Organise a challenge, get your friends involved, ask for sponsorship and sweat-it-out to raise funds to bring freedom for victims caught in the grip of slavery.

  • Pledge your Birthday and celebrating by giving the gift of freedom to survivors of modern slavery.

    “It’s my birthday this year, I’m asking for donations to Justice and Care. I’ve chosen this charity because their mission means a lot to me, and I hope that you’ll consider contributing as a way of celebrating with me.”

    Derek – raised £621.

  • Do you love curry and want to help fight injustice? Put your culinary skills to the test and hold a Spice for Life dinner.

  • Get in touch to request a copy of our community fundraising pack for more ideas and steps to make your event a success.

Fundraising stories

Run for Freedom

Karen chose to run her first ever marathon for Justice and Care after hearing about modern slavery and wanting to do something to make a difference. She took part in London’s first ‘virtual marathon’ in which she ran 26.2 miles along the Thames Path.

Raised £2,088

Charity fashion show

Passionate students at Durham University organised and hosted a hugely successful Charity Fashion Show to raise awareness of the scale and reality of slavery today and funds for Justice and Care.

Raised £12,500

20 challenges to tackle slavery

Sonja set herself 20 challenges to complete in aid of Justice and Care. Just some of the activities on her list were climbing Snowdon in Wales, hosting a quiz night, learning something new and skydiving!

Raised £1,120