Prime Minister announces new International Modern Slavery and Migration Envoy

June 14, 2019

Friday 14 June 2019

Christian Guy, Chief Executive

As you know in recent months I made 29 recommendations to the UK Home Secretary in my role as an Expert Adviser to the Government Review of the Modern Slavery Act, led by Rt Hon Frank Field MP.

My key recommendation was the appointment of a new official Anti-Slavery Envoy to focus on collaboration with European friends and global allies. This vital role would provide increased accountability within UK Government and ensure close post-Brexit cooperation with European nations in the fight against organised crime.

I am delighted to inform you that in a speech to the UN this week the Prime Minister announced the creation of the International Modern Slavery and Migration Envoy, as a direct response to the Review’s recommendations. I am encouraged to see that the Government is once again demonstrating global leadership to end this appalling abuse.

Business can also play a groundbreaking role in the fight against slavery and human trafficking. In response to another recommendation, the Government will introduce an online registry of businesses’ modern slavery statements. This registry will ensure greater transparency and accountability as businesses disclose how they engage with their supply chains.

We will continue to work tirelessly to transform the way governments and international bodies act to end slavery. These latest reforms in the UK demonstrate that, with evidence-based recommendations, Justice and Care is contributing crucial insight and invaluable ideas to those in power.

Your support makes high-level change like this possible.

Thank you.

Banner image supplied by the International Labour Organization.

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