
Trafficker guilty of monstrous offences against women jailed for life

One survivor tragically never got to see justice served as she passed away in 2022. Read more

Our response to the King’s Speech

It was great to hear the Government’s intentions to tackle child criminal exploitation and strengthen support for victims of crime in the Read more

Parents looking the other way as children are trafficked, research suggests

The bleak reality of child trafficking in Romania has been exposed in new research from Justice and Care and presented at an international conference. Read more

Punish the perpetrators of modern slavery, not the victims

We believe that the next Government has a unique opportunity and a duty to put things right. Read more

Survivors benefiting from peer-led programme, new evaluation indicates

Our programme sees 20 Champion Survivors, who have received extensive aftercare support and gained experience as peer mentors, employed to work alongside our team as Aftercare Facilitators (ACFs). Read more

Cuckooing will become a criminal offence after campaign from Justice and Care and partners

The Government tabled a new amendment to the Criminal Justice Bill in Parliament today, introducing a new standalone offence. Read more

Online sexual abuse reaches epidemic levels in Philippines, harrowing new report finds

Urgent action must be taken as children's lives are destroyed by online sexual abuse and exploitation. Read more

Frank Field’s legacy on modern slavery will live on

Justice and Care's Tatiana Gren-Jardan pays tribute to Frank Field - a dedicated champion against modern slavery. Read more

Three exploiters jailed for life after survivor’s 13-year wait for justice

The three exploiters trafficked a 13-year-old girl into domestic servitude. Read more

Top human trafficking prosecutors unite in bid to boost global conviction rates

There are an estimated 50 million victims of modern slavery worldwide - but only around 5,000 convictions each year. Read more

Former Secretary of State appointed as new Romanian Country Head

Madalina Turza previously worked at the highest levels of the Romanian Government and led the country’s response to the issue of human trafficking.  Read more

Crucial new guidelines expected to boost conviction rates in Bangladesh

New guidelines will strengthen the prosecution process for all types of crimes across Bangladesh after Justice and Care drafted them on behalf of the Government. Read more

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