Devani’s Dream

November 19, 2019

Sixteen-year-old Devani is the youngest of three sisters who lives with her family in the Jashore district of Bangladesh. In 2018, at just 15-years-old, her life turned into a nightmare when she was trafficked to India by her boyfriend.

At the time Devani was already four months pregnant with her boyfriend’s child (even though he was already married to another woman). Devani did not realise what was happening to her because she believed that they were deeply in love. On reaching India, she was tortured and raped by a pimp before being sold.

Thanks to the good working relationship between Border Guards Bangladesh and Justice and Care, Devani was rescued from her nightmarish reality and taken into our care in May this year. She was completely mentally broken and traumatised and so we provided her with the needed psychosocial counselling and life skills training.

We also supported Devani with legal aid by lodging a case against her trafficker boyfriend.

Now back with her supportive family in Bangladesh, we are continuing to support Devani as she pursues her education and our team have coordinated her admittance into a good school. 

Devani’s confidence continues to grow every day as she rebuilds her life. She dreams of one day becoming a social worker to help other girls who have also sadly fallen prey to traffickers and the grip of modern slavery. 

Give now your donation will be DOUBLED to help more girls like Devani break free from the grip of slavery to follow their dreams. 

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