Lost and found

January 24, 2022

Over six months ago, Gemma* a Romanian survivor of sexual exploitation, who we had been supporting in the UK, sadly went missing.

Unfortunately, before we could intervene and help Gemma be repatriated safely back home, the Embassy put her on an overland coach back to Romania, from which she disappeared.

Our Navigator in Romania alerted Romanian authorities, kept in regular contact with them, and facilitated communication between the Romanian police and the UK police forces.

Thankfully, Gemma was finally located by police last month and is now engaging with our Navigator in Romania.

Gemma wants to support an investigation into her exploitation in the UK and our Navigator is coordinating between police forces on her behalf.

Gemma is also now pregnant, and our team have been liaising with various support providers on Gemma’s behalf and procuring medical services, clothes, nappies and equipment needed when her baby is born.

*Name changed to protect identity

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