
With a thirst for justice, we pursue the criminal networks responsible for modern slavery

We are pioneers in our fight against modern slavery. We support the police in investigating, disrupting and dismantling whole criminal networks. And we walk alongside each survivor, supporting them to testify. Because it is their testimony that will put abusers behind bars. Here’s some examples of how we’ve helped secure justice.

We support survivors to navigate legal systems

Four women. Highly vulnerable. Controlled through threats and coercion. Sexually exploited for years. Now on a journey to obtain justice and convict an exploiter described by police officers as “one of the most dangerous criminals” they had dealt with. Our Navigator has walked beside the four women - each with extremely complex needs - encouraging them to engage bravely with the police and supporting them to give evidence.

We empower the exploited to testify

Targeted by a gang, Louise became a victim of cuckooing. The exploiters took advantage of Louise’s substance misuse issues and forced their way into her home, using it as a drug distribution site and treating her as a slave. Over an 18 month investigation, our Navigator has guided and supported Louise, empowering her to share her experience and stand before her abusers at the trial. Louise says, “If I didn’t have [the Navigator] I wouldn’t have gone through with the case. I couldn’t have done it without him.” Louise’s evidence led to two convictions and 12 further victims identified. It is fundamental to empower the exploited to testify.

We increase prosecution rates

Prosecution rates for abusers are scarily low allowing modern slavery to flourish. But we’re increasing the risk for traffickers. In Bangladesh our team is providing training to police investigations and capacity building to public prosecutions across the country. This is all in collaboration with the Government.

We help dismantle criminal networks

Since September 2019, Justice and Care has been supporting Julia*, a survivor of sex trafficking from Eastern Europe. Thanks to the courage and perseverance of Julia, and the expert and steadfast support of her Navigator, police worked to identify 120 additional victims, arrest six suspects across two countries and support the conviction of five exploiters.

Donate today to help bring freedom

There are millions of people living in slavery today. Your support could help set someone free and bring those responsible to justice.

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