
Charity workers in India are fed up and frustrated. Interventions to fight modern slavery are simply not working. In 2008 Justice and Care is born from the belief that to dismantle modern slavery we need to bring together governments, police forces and other NGOs – we need a new way to combat the issue.

Our story


  • Work begins on the ground in India.


  • Justice and Care formally established.
  • We begin a partnership with the UK Government to bring travelling child sex offenders to justice, leading to major conviction.

2012 - 2016

  • Rapid growth in operations across India leading to thousands of men, women and children walking free from exploitation and hundreds of arrests.
  • Systemic change work begins at state and central government level, including the introduction of child friendly courts in some states.


  • A network of 39 traffickers jailed in Belari, South India, thanks to our work. Justice and Care begins operations in Bangladesh.


  • Our case work begins in the UK, with the launch of the Navigator programme, partnering with police in the south east of England.
  • The President of India announces that a course we have developed will be made available to half a million young people.
  • Government action against foreign human rights charities restricts our ability to fund work in India.
    Justice and Care CEO appointed as an expert adviser to review UK anti-slavery legislation for the British Government.


  • Expansion of Navigators in UK, aftercare in Bangladesh and forging frontline partnerships with like minded organisations.


  • Awarded Thomson Reuters Stop Slavery Award for work in Bangladesh.
  • Secured the Third Sector Breakthrough of the Year Award for the Navigator programme
  • ‘It Still Happens Here’ report published in the UK
  • Launch of our International Systemic Change Unit


  • Justice and Care begins operations in Romania


  • Country Director for Bangladesh, Tariqul Islam named a global hero in the fight against human trafficking by the US State Department
  • Hired first team members for Justice and Care USA to establish frontline partnerships and programming
  • Awarded the Thomson Reuters Stop Slavery Innovation Award for our Navigator Programme
  • Helped lead the development of the Coalition to Stop Slavery
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