Our impact

Understanding the impact we make and interventions that work and those that don’t is really important to us – it is core to our approach of using our frontline experience to spark change at scale. 

In everything we do, we therefore seek to be clear, honest and accountable. Our impact reporting is rigorous and robust – and purposely so, because it matters. We interrogate our data, use independent evaluations to validate our achievements and share openly what worked and what didn’t, seeking to constantly improve. 

These figures speak for themselves – they are just a small sample of the things we measure to be able to understand the impact we are making:

Our work in the last year

survivors freed
What does this mean?
survivors supported
What does this mean?
survivors brought home
What does this mean?
exploiters convicted
What does this mean?
frontline professionals trained
What does this mean?
vulnerable people educated
What does this mean?
Our approach to impact measurement
In the past year
survivors freed
How we count

We measure the number of victims rescued where our teams supported the police or rescuing authority with intelligence, tactical advice, or direct assistance during the intervention.

In the past year
survivors supported
How we count

We count the number of individual victims who have had multiple instances of specialist support from our teams.

In the past year
survivors brought home
How we count

We help survivors return home. We count the number of victims of modern slavery safely repatriated under the oversight and assistance of our teams.

In the past year
exploiters convicted
How we count

This is the number of perpetrators convicted for any offence related to the exploitation of a victim, where our teams provided support to the victim and/or prosecutor in relation to the legal process.

In the past year
frontline professionals trained
How we count

This relates to the number of law enforcement or other professionals interacting directly with victims in their professional practice, trained in victim identification or victim care by our teams.

In the past year
vulnerable people educated
How we count

This relates to the number of specifically vulnerable people reached, through our work, with targeted prevention awareness training or more holistic direct support. We don’t include those reached through media awareness programmes.

Our approach to impact measurement

  • We produce high quality data – that is rich, accurate, audited, timely, secure and analysed
  • We focus on outcomes, not just activity. For example, we focus on measuring survivor recovery, so we can be sure that what we are doing improves people’s lives in the long term.
  • We know how important transparency and accountability are and use evaluations by independent experts, and communicate our impact with honesty
  • We use data to help us adapt programmes, making sure our interventions are effective
  • We believe survivor-centric and ethical approaches are crucial, and empower survivors to shape, not just be the subject of, our research
  • We leverage learning for systemic change – producing and sharing blueprints that move the sector forward globally

How we count

We’ve carefully considered what to measure when it comes to our impact and only share data we can confidently support. Working closely with partners like the police, we count outcomes only when we’ve played a clear role in achieving them.

Our reports

  • March – August 2022

    We are proud to recognise in this report that Justice and Care’s Country Director for Bangladesh, Tariqul Islam, has been named a Trafficking In Persons ‘Global Hero’ in the fight against human trafficking by the US State Department. In other good news, our Navigators’ support of prosecution cases led to…
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  • September 2021 – February 2022

    This report marks a new national proceeds of crime fund being made available for victims of trafficking, following advocacy from Justice and Care together with a multi-agency anti-trafficking platform we co-founded in Romania. Meanwhile, in the UK we supported a group of British girls who were sexually exploited to testify…
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  • March – August 2021

    This period saw us launch a Global Prosecutors Consortium in partnership with the McCain Institute to tackle low human trafficking conviction rates internationally. Amid a fresh nationwide Covid lockdown in Bangladesh, our team mobilised on remote support, trained ‘Champion Survivors’ to act as peer mentors and assisted in the identification…
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  • September 2020 – February 2021

    We continued to push forward with work fighting modern slavery within this six months as the Covid pandemic impacted millions. Our team celebrated key wins including the launch of a new strategic entity in Romania and the first conviction of an exploiter through the UK Navigator programme, which also won…
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