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Trafficker guilty of monstrous offences against women jailed for life

One survivor tragically never got to see justice served as she passed away in 2022.

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Our response to the King’s Speech

It was great to hear the Government’s intentions to tackle child criminal exploitation and strengthen support for victims of crime in the Read more

Parents looking the other way as children are trafficked, research suggests

The bleak reality of child trafficking in Romania has been exposed in new research from Justice and Care and presented at an international conference. Read more

Punish the perpetrators of modern slavery, not the victims

We believe that the next Government has a unique opportunity and a duty to put things right. Read more
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Safina’s journey to breaking free from shame and fear

Safina* had already spent four years in an abusive marriage when her husband trafficked her to India and forced her Read more

Survivor was ostracised from society after walking free but battled to become a Champion

‘I couldn’t go out anywhere as people weren’t accepting me in my community, they used to taunt me, say bad comments about me.' Read more

Survivor who thought all was lost is now Champion and thriving businesswoman

‘Being a Champion Survivor has changed the way I feel about myself’, Saleha* says. Read more
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Breaking the grip of slavery

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It Still Happens Here – Fighting Slavery in the 2020s